Piano Player World

Fun Piano Homeschooling for the Family

homeschooling funGetting your family involved in music is a great way to become closer. Not only will you be sharing an activity and a love, but you will be spending more time together learning and growing together.

In this article, we will discuss some ideas to introduce piano into your family in a fun and easy manner. Homeschooling your child in piano playing is one of the best ways to build bonds with him/her.

The first thing that you have to consider is interest. While you may love piano, if your family doesn’t share your love, don’t try to force them. This will defeat the purpose of having fun.

Bring the idea up and leave the choice open. If you do, you will be more likely to receive positive results than if you try and force feed the instrument to your family.

Tyr turning music into a game. Sitting down behind a sheet of music to study isn’t always the most exciting thing. Try making each lesson fun. If you want to keep full interest, try making musical activities. When you teach triads, make a triad activity.

Don’t let everything become notation and writing and lecturing. Take the lessons and put them to practical use. Try writing songs or patterns as a family with the learned techniques. If you just learned about harmony, try writing some basic harmonies together.

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setting a time for pianoWhen doing the grunt work (there will be plenty) make it as enjoyable as possible. Don’t try to dictate over everything; give breaks, help out, make each lesson interactive. If you work well with your family, they’ll appreciate it. They will also go further, faster.

Set a time for piano. Don’t just spring up piano lessons randomly. If you have teenagers, don’t make the lessons on the weekends, and don’t set them so that they conflict with sporting events. This will lead to less being learned. You don’t want to impede upon their lives; you want them to be closer.

Tromping all over their schedule won’t do that. If they were interested to start with, chances are they will be more than happy to tell you what they can and what they can’t manage. It is then your job to work off of that.

Be fair. This is one thing that parents find hard, even when they try. Fairness isn’t setting a rule and saying “because I said so.” Fairness is being reasonable and working with everyone to achieve a common goal. This goal should be learning the piano. There are a bunch of things that will factor into your schedule.

Don’t tell your children they can’t do things with their friends because they have to practice piano. Allow them to live their lives. Be lenient. If you notice that they aren’t practicing much, ask them if they really want to play or not. Whatever they tell you, respect their decision.

Wedging your way into their personal life is no way to create a family activity. Always leave the door open, but in the end, let your children make their own decision, regardless of age. They know what they want, and if their heart isn’t in it, they will simply be performing the motions.

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