Piano Player World

Online Beginner Piano Lessons

(Scroll down to see the full list of lessons in this section)

getting startedLike any other new skill that is as vast and difficult to master, learning to play the piano can seem like a daunting challenge to many.

Ask anyone or your friends who have experience in the instrument and most will tell you that start getting started always feel like standing at the precipice of a long, challenging journey.

Despite the challenges that await any piano enthusiast, learning to play the piano is also one of the most pleasurable and rewarding activities that anyone can undertake, no matter what level of proficiency they reach.

With the right approach, right attitude and proper lessons, it will help students begin their relationship with piano on the right note. Do you know that the human brain works best when you stick to a schedules and practice regularly?

Stay disciplined and set aside time for regular practice is crucial. If you get into the mindset of “playing whenever you like to”, it usually results in doing it less and less until you stop practicing all together. That’s where things start to go downhill. Here’s one tip that I personally used myself when I was starting out.

I set a timer everyday in the evening at 8.00 p.m. Whenever the timer goes off, I would go to my piano and start practicing until the alarm goes off at 8.30pm. This way, no matter how busy I am, I am dedicating at least 30 minutes of my time everyday at the piano. Small as it seems, it is stuff like this that really make the difference.

Piano System - Piano Lessons For Beginners

beginner pianistsOf course, no one really learns piano from books/videos/softwares as much as they do from teachers; If you can, find a reliable, experienced teacher who can show you the proper techniques and transform you from a beginner to an expert!

The piano teachers at takelessons.com are located everywhere and you are able to pick from an assortment of teachers.

If private lessons are too expensive for you or there is no availability of private piano lessons near your location, this is where PianoPlayerWorld comes in to help you.

* Beginners PAY ATTENTION*

It's IMPORTANT to study through the entire lessons with this area so that you can acquire a good musical foundation to take your playing to higher levels gradually. The key to starting out is not to be overly ambitious. I know the excitement of learning something new and getting way ahead of yourself.

If you believe you can just by pass this portion and rush out directly into more advanced piano lessons, you'll kill your own self due to the lack of sound piano playing fundamentals. Start with the simple stuff no matter how mundane or easy they might seem. They will help you build a skill base gradually and give you the momentum to master more complicated stuff and exercises.

Have a GREAT time on starting off your learning journey and take pleasure in playing the piano…

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Online Piano Lessons for New Players:

  1. Parts Of A Piano - Learn And Understand the Different Components of the Instrument
    Pianos can come in various styles, designs, shapes and sizes. Whether it is a grand piano or a jazz combo piano, they all share certain common elements that make up the different parts of them.
  2. Understanding the Piano Keyboard - Find Out Which Notes Go Where
    For beginners, the very first step in your piano learning journey would be the learn the notes of the keyboard. While it might seem like a huge challenge, once you know the basics, everything will start to become second nature.
  3. Layout of the Black Piano Keys
    If you take a look at your keyboard, you would see that it comprises of both white and black keys. This lesson will explain the black keys (accidental notes) on the entire layout.
  4. How to Read Piano Notes For Beginner Pianists
    In music, the standard communication amongst musicians is through the use of sheet music. Learning how to read the notes off the staves is essential for both playing and writing.
  5. What Are Music Intervals? Learn the Theory And Inner Workings of Piano Music
    Music intervals make up the harmony and melody of a piece of music. While it might be often overlooked, a good foundation in the intervals can do wonders to your playing.
  6. Learn Basic Piano Playing Rhythms - Get Your Hands Wet With Fun
    For a piece of music to sound nice and smooth, timing is essential. Learning to count and playing basic rhythms will get you off the ground and play in beat.
  7. Why You Should Use a Metronome for Piano Practice?
    When I just started out playing music, the metronome was one of the most hated accessories that I had. However, it helped improve my skills and musicianship tremendously by keeping me in discipline to timing.
  8. Piano Practice Plan - Tips And Routines for Effective Learning
    While the saying is true about practice makes perfect, you want to make sure that your practice routine is soundly planned out for the most effective learning.
  9. Piano Warm Up Exercises to Do Before You Start Playing
    Just like athletes, piano players will also suffer finger/hand injury without proper warm ups. We show you some of the easiest techniques and the proper way to start off a practice sessions.
  10. Accidentals & Double-Accidentals
    Are you confused about what accidentals and double-accidentals are? In a nuthell, an accidental is a symbol noted on the sheet music that turns a note into a sharp, a flat, or a natural. Find out more here...
  11. Bench Height And Distance From Piano
    Besides injuries that can be caused by poor form and posture, playing your instrument goes way beyond sitting down and practicing. With proper positioning of your body, your playing can be improved significantly.
  12. Correct Way to Sit at the Piano
    In music, posture and form is the most commonly overlooked aspect of learning the instrument. By focusing on your sitting, it can help you turn into a better pianist.
  13. Essential Piano Fingering Basics For Beginners
    I know most people would skip directly to learning songs and chords on the piano and forget all about the foundational fingerings that will help you develop essential skills.
  14. Left Hand Piano Fingering - How to Position Fingers on the Keyboard
    When it comes to piano playing, musicians are often required to play with both hands simultaneously. The right hand is usually in charge of the melody whereas the left hand is usually in charge of the harmony portions.
  15. Beginner Piano Bass Chords - An Emphasis on the Left Hand
    Besides the treble clef, the next most important stave that you need to learn is the bass clef. This lesson will show you a step by step instruction of mastering the different clefs.
  16. Do You Struggle With Proper Piano Fingering?
    Everyone who starts out learning new skills will always need some time for the brain and body to absorb the new influx of knowledge. This lesson will help you overcome problems in fingering.
  17. Avoid Piano Related Aches And Pains
    Believe it or not, the human body isn't actually designed to play the piano, press keys or even memorize patterns. By practicing, we adapt and develop ways to handle the physical stress placed on our bodies and because of that; things can sometimes go wrong with injuries.
  18. How Do I Motivate Myself to Practice Piano
    Motivation is the key to staying discipline to learning any new skills. This article shows you various ways to help you stay focused with the task on hand.

Piano Learning Secrets - Beginner Piano Lessons

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Posted at 11:17:pm 01/10/12 by johnny blackard from california

More Tips for New Players...

A healthy way to practice learning notes and rhythms are to practice with simple patterns that slowly allow your mind and fingers to adjust to the new skills. Try just one hand at a time focusing on slowly, patiently playing through simple exercises. For your right hand, try placing your thumb on Middle C and your other fingers on adjacent keys.

Then, in steady quarter notes play C, C, C, C, D, D, D, D, E, E, E, E and so on. Repeat this exercise, but with eighth notes. Then, switch hands and repeat, beginning with your left hand’s thumb on Middle C.