Piano Player World

How to Build Up Your Child's Confidence in Piano Playing

confident childrenConstant nagging of parents for children to practice can be very frustrating and eventually spoil the fun of learning an instrument. If you have a child that is currently learning to play the piano instrument, here are some of the most effective tips that can help your child enjoy every minute of learning the piano.

Always be sure that they have the time. More often than not, children tend to be too busy with school work and activities such as soccer, basketball, and swimming that squeezing in piano practice time seems impossible.

Simply appraise the schedule of your child to guarantee that they have the proper time for daily practice. Target on the fun. Your child should enjoy learning an instrument, not feel punished by it.

When you think your child is not enjoying the practice, then it simply becomes a chore. Remember to let your child enjoy the piano; play around with all the keys, pedals, and have a flexible instrument learning experience. 

Do not think too much about the time. Remember that a 30-minute practice can deem as infinite to very young children, whereas it might just not be enough to high school-aged kids. Allow the excitement and development of your child to direct the right amount of time for practice, whilst keeping the balance among all other activities. Notice their dedication on kids piano lessons.

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get your child practicingWhatever your child plays during his practice time, may it be fool around with the keys or play the best piece yet, always remember to appreciate the effort exerted. This then will create a sense of fun and pride in your child's piano playing.

Practice with your child. Allow your child to explain the sheet music and teach you how to play. This becomes a strong reinforcement of their learning experiences, thus offer the right support for the practice times of your child. As your child starts to have easier practice times, you can then lessen your participation.

Reduce distractions inside the practice room; moreover, make sure that the temperature is just right. By doing so, a comfortable and smart conducive learning environment is then achieved. Furthermore, set a fixed practice time for your child to learn as a specific routine. A reward contract per piano practice can serve as a great extra reinforcement.

A chart of stickers or prints can be a good way to visualize your reward system. The more practice times, the more stickers are put up. This can then highly motivate your child to progress further for more expected rewards. Give a piece that your child loves as a start off practice and never criticize your child's performance in order to help boost up his confidence and overall esteem.

Praise all the efforts of your child in every aspect of his piano learning. If a music piece seems too difficult, try breaking it into various sections to drive your child away from frustration. Talk to your child and listen to all his concerns regarding every practice session and lesson learned.

Remember that threatening your child will never help; a resentment to further learn the instrument might take place. Learn to be supportive and be there for your child when needed.

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