Piano Player World

Important Chords in Blues Piano Playing

important chordsBlues piano music is an exciting adventure full of different skills and techniques. It’s important to learn different chords in blues piano playing in order to achieve its full effect.

These chords differ to create interesting sounds and rhythm giving blues that unique sound. Prior to learning these easy chord progressions you must first understand the basics.

If you can’t identify musical notes or describe the differences between major and minor scales, you will have to return to basics. Having a proper foundation of knowledge and skills are necessary to successfully achieve the blues. This article will highlight two key sets of chords: simple blues chord and bouncy blues chord.

The simple blues chord is a very easy technique to master. It is developed by using only 3 chords, making it a perfect lesson for any beginner. The sample below is constructed by using the G chord:

G7, G7, G7, G7

C7, C7, G7, G7

D7, C7, G7, G7

To play these notes, play both the root chord and the 7th chord together. For example, G7 becomes G and F played simultaneously. Once you grasp this rhythm you will have to add a melody. Create a new melody by making changes to the original blues scale. The blues scale is a very easy scale which is composed of five notes sampled here:

G, Bb, C, C#, D, F

Play around with these notes until you create a collaborating melody with your right hand. You can play two notes together or mix up the order, but never deviate from these 5 notes. Your left hand is conducting the rhythm with simple blues chord, while your right hand is creating the melody. This combination creates an interesting sound depending on timing.

blues piano course

The bouncy blues chord progression is another excellent example of idealistic blues rhythm. With your left hand, try to play this chord progression:

G7: G, G (1 octave above), B, D, B, D

C7: C, C (1 octave above), E, G, E, G

D7: D, D, F#, A, F#, A

With your left hand repeat the progression over and over again to create rhythm. With your right hand you will play with the G pentatonic scale:

G, A, B, D, E, G

This scale is nearly identical to the blues scale and can substitute each other. Play with the scale’s composition by adding notes from the blues scale or by playing two notes at the same time. Combining both your left hand and your right hand will create the overall effect of the bouncy blues chord.

Now that you have two basic chord progressions, you can easily begin to experiment with blues piano music. You will find subsequent chord progressions necessary for blues music online or in your piano lesson notebook.

It is vital to familiarize yourself with all chord progressions prior to playing blues piano music. Important chords in blues piano playing are easy to learn and should not be avoided. Do not give up, by simply practicing and studying their structure, you will master their uses in no time.




<< Prev: Lesson 1 - 12 Bar Blues Rhythm

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